梅根馬克爾平時會進行瑜珈、慢跑等有氧運動外,也會進行肌肉訓練來緊實身體曲線,而梅根的前私人健身教練克雷格·麥克納米(Craig McNamee),他便介紹了梅根曾實行過的髖關節伸展運動,更是梅根維持美腿的秘訣。
- 在膝蓋位置套上環狀的彈力帶後,以膝蓋與手著地撐起身體。
※環狀彈力帶哪裡買呢?彈力帶可到運動用品店、連鎖大賣場或網路上購買,且使用彈性帶時,需確實固定在膝蓋位置,以免滑脫,運動時的動作也要輕緩,過於快速與猛力的動作都可能會造成拉傷! - 接著將單腳往上舉20次後,換邊進行,而要獲得有效的訓練效果,則要記得保持屈膝90度的姿勢抬起腿部喔!
American actress Megan Marker, who was selected by Time magazine as one of the top 100 influential figures in the world, was married to the Duchess of Sussex this year after the wedding with the Prince of Harry, England, and she was slim. The healthy body shape is more envied by many women. What training is she usually doing to maintain her legs?
Megan Marker's Leg Tips: Hip Stretch
Megan Marker usually performs aerobic exercises such as yoga and jogging, as well as muscle training to tighten the body curve, while Megan’s former personal fitness trainer Craig McNamee introduced him. Megan’s hip stretching exercises have been the secret of Megan’s maintenance of beautiful legs.
Hip extension exercise can simultaneously move to the muscles around the hip joint, the back of the thigh and the gluteus maximus. Japanese fitness coach Machida Machida mentioned that hip extension exercises can train the muscles around the hip and increase the pelvis. Stability and support strength, otherwise the pelvis is skewed, it is easy to cause the lower abdomen to bulge, and produce a cold body, or can not support the uterus and cause uterine prolapse, physical pain and other women's diseases.
In addition, fitness coach Suzuki Takashi mentioned that when the gluteus maximus is weak, the walking movement will be compensated by the back of the leg, and if the leg squat is not in the correct posture, it may further cause the knee to overburden and make the knee The stability of the decline is more likely, and thus the posture is poor, causing knee pain. Training the gluteus maximus can enhance the flexibility of the knee joint, making walking more smooth and reducing the burden on the knee.
How does hip extension work?
After putting an elastic band around the knee, hold your body with your knees and hands.
※Where is the annular elastic band bought? Elastic straps can be purchased at sporting goods stores, chain stores or on the internet. When using elastic bands, they must be fixed at the knee position to avoid slipping. The movements should be gentle, too fast and violent. May cause strain!
Then lift the single foot up 20 times and change the side. To get effective training effect, remember to keep your knees bent 90 degrees and lift your legs!
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