






  1. 在碗裡打入鵝蛋,加少許鹽,幾滴白酒,打成蛋液。
  2. 將香菜(連根)洗乾淨,切成碎末,放入做法1蛋液中,攪拌均勻,下鍋炒熟就可以了。



  1. 寬心陽,也就是改善心臟的供血功能,有疏通心血管,防止血管產生淤阻的作用。
  2. 祛風邪,能防止病毒、風寒等影響心肺功能。
  3. 與鵝蛋的配伍作用。鵝蛋偏油性,香菜能解油膩、助消化。鵝蛋補氣,香菜通氣,這樣就補而不滯了,消化功能不強的人也可以吃。











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a prescription for preventing stroke
─ eat about four or five times a year, stir-fried goose eggs

Our family has a traditional small recipe, using coriander to stir-fry the goose eggs to prevent strokes.

The older generation of people in the family have developed a habit since childhood, and must eat about four or five times a year to stir-fried goose eggs. In the grandmother's family, no one has a stroke, relying on this method.

The practice of scrambled goose eggs with parsley is similar to that of scrambled eggs.

laennecStir-fried goose egg with parsley
Ingredients: 2 goose eggs, 100 grams of parsley, a little salt, a little white wine

In the bowl, enter the goose egg, add a little salt, a few drops of white wine, and beat the egg.
Wash the parsley (rooted), cut into pieces, put in the egg liquid of the practice 1, stir well, and cook in the pan.
Tip: Use old coriander, and use it together with roots.

What is the role of coriander in this recipe?

Wide heart and yang, which is to improve the blood supply function of the heart, to clear the cardiovascular and prevent the blood vessels from forming a stasis.
Hurricane evil can prevent the heart and lung function from affecting viruses and winds.
Compatibility with goose eggs. Goose eggs are oily, and parsley can be greasy and help digestion. Goose eggs qi, cilantro ventilation, so that it will not be stagnation, and people with weak digestion can also eat.

This dish not only prevents stroke, but also improves heart and lung function, and has a conditioning effect on sub-health problems in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Stir-fried goose eggs in parsley, eat when it is cold, and prevent cold and cough.

People who are allergic, after eating this dish, it is best to avoid exposure to the sun within a few hours. Because coriander has a photosensitizing effect, if you eat the coriander and sun, it may induce solar dermatitis. Coriander is a hairy one, and people with allergies should pay special attention.

The more benefits of coriander fried goose eggs, the next page to see what the diet experts say

When I introduced this small remedy in a TV lecture, I emphasized that I wanted a goose egg. Everyone felt very novel. Because many people have not eaten goose eggs now, and do not know where to buy.

Goose eggs are suffocating. They are not as delicious as fried eggs, and they can make good tastes. Therefore, this dish is surprisingly fried with cilantro to remove the gourd.

Goose eggs are different from duck eggs and eggs. Eggs are flat, duck eggs are cool, and goose eggs are warm.

The egg raises the spleen and stomach, the duck egg raises the lung and kidney, and the goose egg raises the heart and liver. Goose eggs can enhance the function of the heart to transport blood, and the liver can improve the function of the liver to regulate blood lipids, so this recipe can regulate the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.

Some people think that ducks and geese are waterfowl, so the effect is similar. In fact, the habits of ducks and geese are very different. Ducks love to eat fish and shrimps, goose loves to eat grass; ducks have small courage, goose's courage is big; goose can look at home nursing home, strangers come, goose will scream, and will swear; duck's nature It is partial to the negative, and the yang is more yang, so it is brave and aggressive.

Goose has such a habit, and the nutritional effect is naturally different from that of a duck. Goose is a stagnation of the five internal organs. Older people and physically weak people can eat goose and goose eggs to supplement. Compared with other eggs, goose eggs should be more peaceful. In addition to people with heavy heat and fire, ordinary people including children and the elderly can eat. But goose meat is a hair, people who are hot and humid should not eat too much, and people with skin diseases should avoid eating.

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